Covid-19 Pandemic


> Coping with the Pandemic: ERG follow-up study on non-IT Firms
Research Brief । Sarah Muniyat & Mutasim Billah Mubde । July 07, 2020 । Read

> Coping with the Pandemic: ERG follow-up study on IT Firms
Research Brief । Abu Hasnat Abdullah, and Sajjad Zohir । July 04, 2020। Read

> Spread of Covid-19 in Bangladesh: Evidence from Reproduction Number
Webinar Presentation । Susmita Dutta ।June 29, 2020 । Read

> Renegotiations at Firm levels Comprehending effects of Covid-19
Mutasim Billah Mubde, Abu Hasnat Abdullah, Sarah Muniyat and Sajjad Zohir । The Financial Express । June 11, 2020 । Read

> Renegotiations at Firm levels Comprehending effects of Covid-19
Research Brief । June, 2020 । Read

> Businesses Renegotiating Contracts to Cope with Covid-19, ERG says
Press Coverage । The Business Standard । June 07, 2020 । Read

> The Great Lockdown: Managing the economic impact in the less developed countries
Wahiduddin Mahmud । Chairperson, ERG । The Daily Star । June 07, 2020। Read

> Businesses Renegotiating Contracts to Cope with Covid-19
Press Coverage । The Financial Express । June 06, 2020 । Read

> অর্থনৈতিক ও সামাজিক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোর ব্যবস্থাপনার ওপর কভিড-১৯-এর প্রভাব
ড. সাজ্জাদ জহির। দৈনিক বণিক বার্তা । জুন ০৪, ২০২০ । Read

> Who is in charge? Who do we convey our suggestions to?
Sajjad Zohir। The Business Standard । May 21, 2020 । Read

> Pandemiconomics: Giving can be a win-win
Wahiduddin Mahmud Chairperson, ERG । The Business Standard । May 03, 2020। Read

> A Guide to Understanding the Science of Covid-19, its Considerations & Social Implications
Dr. Sudipa Chatterjee । The Business Standard । 14 April, 2020। Read

> শারীরিক দূরত্ব বজায় রেখে সামাজিক বন্ধন বৃদ্ধির কিছু প্রস্তাব
ড. সাজ্জাদ জহির। দৈনিক বণিক বার্তা । এপ্রিল ১২, ২০২০ । Read

> সংকট কাজে লাগিয়ে সুযোগ সৃষ্টি প্রসঙ্গে
ড. সাজ্জাদ জহির। দৈনিক বণিক বার্তা । মার্চ ১৮, ২০২০ | Read

> Converting Crisis Into Opportunities
Dr. Sajjad Zohir  । Financial Express । March 16, 2020 । Read

> Coronavirus and Event 201: Eerily similar!?
Mutasim Billah Mubde । The Business Standard । February 03, 2020। Read

> On-going Action Research on Managing Migrant Harvest Labor
   ।  Read More  ।  Questionnaire

> অর্থনীতিতে করোনা ভাইরাসের প্রভাব
Deepto News । Deepto Songlap । February 03, 2020। View
> তৃতীয় মাত্রা
পর্ব-৬০৮২ । মার্চ ২৮, ২০২০ । View

> করোনায় আর্থিক মন্দা
Nagorik News । বলা না বলা । April 2, 2020 । View
> করোনাকালীন বাজেট
Deepto News । BIZ TRENDS । June 07, 2020 । View

Coping with the Pandemic: ERG follow-up study on non-IT Firms

Prepared by: Sarah Muniyat & Mutasim Billah Mubde Economic Research Group had administered a survey on 106 firms in May 2020 to investigate the impact of Covid-19 and associated mitigation strategies on businesses, in four domains – work orientation, adverse market conditions, rental contract renegotiation and employee contract renegotiation. A month later, in June 2020, two follow-up surveys were conducted. This paper presents findings from a matched sample of 63...

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Spread of Covid-19 in Bangladesh: Evidence from Reproduction Number

Susmita Dutta Recent graduate, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. [The paper was presented at a webinar organised by Economic Research Group (ERG) on 29 June 2020.] Abstract   The study estimates time-dependent reproduction number of coronavirus in case of Bangladesh using incidence data from March 9, 2020 to June 25, 2020. The mean reproduction number is 1.40 (95% Cl 1.11, 1.73), which indicates expected continuation of outbreak in...

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Coping with the Pandemic: ERG follow-up study on IT Firms

Prepared by: Abu Hasnat Abdullah and Sajjad Zohir The Economic Research Group (ERG) had undertaken a survey of enterprises in May 2020 and the findings were reported in the Financial Express on June 11. The IT firms included in that survey were found to be in e-commerce, web development and other IT services, representing non-software IT firms (NSW-IT). Subsequently, another survey was administered in June on a sample drawn from...

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Renegotiations at firm levels: Comprehending effects of Covid-19

The Financial Express । June 11, 2020 । Mutasim Billah Mubde, Abu Hasnat Abdullah, Sarah Muniyat and Sajjad Zohir । The SARS-CoV2 pandemic, leading to deadly Covid-19, brought disruptions in inter-country as well as within-country flow of goods and services. Economic Research Group (ERG) carried out a tele-based survey of 102 firms engaged in manufacturing and service sectors to assess (i) extent of initial ‘shock’ faced, and (ii) coping strategies...

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Businesses renegotiating contracts to cope with COVID-19

Financial Express | June 6, 2020 Businesses are renegotiating contracts with multiple stakeholders as they are facing uncertain future due to COVID-19 pandemic. A study, conducted by the Economic Research Group (ERG) on selected areas of contracts, revealed the information. The findings of the study were presented at a webinar on Sunday attended by researchers and academia. Among others, ERG chairperson Dr Wahiduddin Mahmud was present at the webinar. On...

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Businesses renegotiating contracts to cope with Covid-19, ERG says

The Business Standard June 7, 2020 Businesses are renegotiating contracts with their counterparts to cope with losses caused by Covid-19. The Economic Research Group (ERG) recently completed a study on selected areas of contracts where renegotiations being made were observed. These were presented in a webinar, attended by researchers and academia from The Dhaka University, North South University, Brac University, Brac Institute of Governance and Development, Centre for Policy Dialogue, Youth Policy...

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The Great Lockdown: Managing the economic impact in the less developed countries

The Daily Star | June 07, 2020 | Wahiduddin Mahmud – Remarks made in response to the keynote presentation by Professor Gita Gopinath of IMF and Harvard University at the virtual workshop organised by the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, June 4-5, 2020. The social distancing measures to contain the spread of the Covid-19 infection have been appropriately called the Great Lockdown, in remembrance of the Great Recession of...

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Renegotiations at Firm levels Comprehending effects of Covid-19

Research Brief Economic Research Group (ERG) June, 2020 The SARS-CoV2 pandemic, leading to deadly Covid-19, brought disruptions in inter-country as well as within-country flow of goods and services. ERG carried out a phone-based survey of 102 firms engaged in manufacturing and service sectors to assess, (i) extent of initial ‘shock’ faced, and (ii) coping strategies that involve renegotiations in work practices, rental contract of premises and in contracts with employees....

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অর্থনৈতিক ও সামাজিক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোর ব্যবস্থাপনার ওপর কভিড-১৯-এর প্রভাব

দৈনিক বণিক বার্তা । জুন ০৪, ২০২০ । ড. সাজ্জাদ জহির । কয়েকটি বিষয় ঘিরে পত্রপত্রিকায় কভিড-১৯-এর আলোচনা হয়। সংগত কারণে সংক্রমণ রোধের প্রায়োগিক দিক সেই আলোচনায় প্রাধান্য পেয়েছে। সেই সঙ্গে আমাদের অর্থনীতির বিভিন্ন খাতের ওপর প্রভাব, সম্ভাব্য প্রণোদনামূলক নীতিমালা ও আপত্কালীন সামাজিক সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য করণীয় বিষয়গুলো অধিক গুরুত্ব পেয়েছে। নীতি বাস্তবায়নে ব্যর্থতা তুলে ধরতে গণমাধ্যম ও সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যমে দুর্নীতি ও সুশাসনের বিবিধ দিকও আলোচনায় এসেছে। সেসবের বাইরে থেকে এ...

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Who is in charge? Who do we convey our suggestions to?

The Business Standard– May 21, 2020 – Sajjad Zohir-   The chaos in the management of Covid-preparations and in the management of the basic activities to contain the contagion, is widely acknowledged. The manifestations are in several fields and therefore their diagnosis remains patchy. Recent media coverage and exchanges in the social network reveal corrupt grassroots authorities amidst this human crisis; and a minister recently mentioned the inadequacy in the...

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