Profile:Dr. Fahad Khalil

PhD in Economics (Virginia Tech ),
Chair, Department of Economics, University of Washington
Castor Professor, University Of Washington, Seattle and
member, Governing Body, Economic Research Group (ERG)




Dr. Fahad Khalil is currently a Professor in Economics at University of Washington, Seattle, USA. He has also been a visiting fellow at different universities and organizations, including, University of Munich, University of Southampton, University of Monash, and BIDS. He completed his PhD in Economics from Virginia Tech University, USA. He has published extensively in such reputed journals as American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Public Economics, etc.

Professor of Economics, University of Washington
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Washington
Research Fellow, CESifo, Center for Economic Studies, Munich
Associate Editor, International Journal of Industrial Organization

“Monitoring a Common Agent: implications for financial contracting,” (with Bruno Parigi, and David Martimort), Journal of Economic Theory, 135/1, 35-67, 2007.
“Optimal Task Design: to integrate or separate planning and implementation?” (with Doyoung Kim and Dongsoo Shin), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 15/2, 457-478, 2006.
“Incentives for Corruptible Auditors in the Absence of Commitment”, (with Jacques Lawarrée), Journal of Industrial Economics, 14/2, 269-291, 2006.
“Third Party Purchasing of Health Services: Patient Choice and Agency”, (with Martin Chalkley), Journal of Health Economics, 24-6, 1132-1153, 2005.
“Catching the Agent on the Wrong Foot: Ex-post Choice of Monitoring”, (with Jacques Lawarrée), Journal of Public Economics, 82/3, 327-347, 2001.
“The Structure of Inshore Cooperatives and the Distribution of Net Benefits under the American Fisheries Act,” Proceedings of the North American Fishery Economics Forum, (with Robert Halvorsen and Jacques Lawarrée), 2001.
“Contracts and Productive Information Gathering”, (with Jacques Crémer and Jean-Charles Rochet), Games and Economic Behavior, 25, 174-193, November, 1998.
Reprinted in The Principal Agent Model: The Economic Theory of Incentives, (Ed) Jean- Jacques Laffont, Edward Elgar, forthcoming.
Reprinted in Social Organization and Mechanism Design, (Ed.) Claude d’Aspremont, De Boeck University, Brussels, 1999.
“Strategic Information Gathering before a Contract is Offered “, (with Jacques Crémer and Jean-Charles Rochet), Journal of Economic Theory, 81, 163-200, July 1998.
“The Loan Size as a Commitment Device”, (with Bruno M. Parigi), International Economic Review, February 1998.
“Auditing without Commitment”, RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 1997.
“Collusive Auditors”, (with Jacques Lawarrée), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May, 1995.
“Input versus Output Monitoring: Who is the Residual Claimant”, (with Jacques Lawarrée) Journal of Economic Theory, 66, 139-157, 1995.
“Gathering Information Before the Contract is Offered”, (with Jacques Crémer), European Economic Review, 38, 675-682, 1994.
“Gathering Information Before Signing a Contract”, (with Jacques Crémer) American Economic Review, 82, 566-578, 1992.

Working papers

“Bribery vs. extortion: allowing the lesser of the two evils”, (with Jacques Lawarrée and Sung-Ho Yun).
Other Affiliations:
Member Program Committee, 2006 South and South East Asia Econometric Society Meetings, Chennai, December, 2006.
Co-chair, Local Organizing Committee, 8th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Seattle, August, 2000.
Young Economist Prize 1998-2000, Bangladesh Economic Association.

Dr. Fahad Khalil
Member, Governing Body
Economic Research Group (ERG).
