Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling for Economic Policy Analysis
Jointly organized with the East West University
Period: 7 October and 12-14 October 2006.
Course Coordinator:
Sajjad Zohir, Research Director, ERG Associate
Short Description:
The course was formulated to facilitate the participants in using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling techniques. The course design was borrowed extensively from the outline of Economics 552 under the program of Masters of Science in Policy Economics, Department of Economics, University of Illinois. It offers information and skills to develop and use PC-based CGE models for economic policy analysis. The course provides the participants with a methodology, through the use of hands on examples, which can be developed into a full-fledged forecasting tool. It also introduces how to examine more disaggregate data and complicated models within CGE framework.
Course Instructors/Resource Persons:
Salim Rashid, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Illinois
Wahiduddin Mahmud, Professor in Economics, DU, and Chairperson, ERG
Sajjad Zohir, Former Senior Research Fellow, BIDS, Executive Director, ERG
A.K. Enamul Haque, Professor in Economics, East West University; and Director, ERG
Participants: 22 Persons from: EWU, SDNP, BRAC, DU, BRAC-RED, Rajshahi U, NSU, Bangladesh Bank, CPD, ERG, PAU-Bangladesh Bank.