Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Team leader: A.K. Enamul Haque Sponsored by: Global Development Network (GDN)
Does the Extra Hour Tuition Pay Off? An Evaluation of an NGO Education Support Program
Team leader: Atonu Rabbani Sponsored by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Strengthening Social Safety Nets for Mitigating Adverse Impacts of Food Crisis in Bangladesh
Research Team: Sajjad Zohir, Biva Arani Mallik, Sara Zabeen,Galib Ahsan Sponsored by: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) The objective of the study was to describe the effects of the food price surge of 2007-08 on the poor and vulnerable in rural and urban Bangladesh, to assess the responses to the effects, and, suggest ways of strengthening social protection/safety net system in Bangladesh for mitigating the risks of food crisis and improving...
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An Assessment of Poverty, Inequality and Employment Related MDGs in Bangladesh
Research Team: Sponsored By: Atonu Rabbani, Lamya Islam This report sets out to assess the experience of Bangladesh with MDGs, More specifically we will focus on nature, status and trends in poverty and employment of the country. Bangladesh is fortunate enough to be part of the growth experience that has typified many countries of the region. It has experienced a robust growth (albeit lower than her other Asian counterparts) in the...
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Eradication of Extreme Poverty in Bangladesh
Research Team: Atonu Rabbani, Lamia Islam Sponsored by: UNDP Bangladesh This report sets out to assess the experience of Bangladesh with MDGs, More specifically we will focus on nature, status and trends in poverty and employment of the country. Bangladesh is fortunate enough to be part of the growth experience that has typified many countries of the region. It has experienced a robust growth (albeit lower than her other Asian counterparts) in...
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Economic Valuation of the Storm Protection Values of Mangroves forests under the coastal ecosystems of the Sundarbans
Research Team: Sakib Mahmud. Advisors: Edward Barbier and A.K. Enamul Haque Sponsored by: South Asian Network For Development and Environmental Economics
Economic Cost of Arsenic Disaster: Policy Choices for Bangladesh
Research Team: M. Zakir Hossain Khan, A K Enamul Haque Sponsored By: South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economists (SANDEE) The study looks in to the severity of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and measures health impact and cost associated with arsenic contamination. Results shows that individuals suffering from arsenic spent up to 0.6% of their annual income. The study also finds that cumulative effects of disease like Melanosis and Keratosis...
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Identifying Activities for Pro-Poor Employment and Income in Coastal South
Research Team: Sajjad Zohir, Sara Zabeen, Hosneara Munni, Sujan Ghosh Sponsored by: Save the Children UK, Dhaka The study reviewed existing literature on the selection criteria and development interventions for the extreme poor in the country in general and specifically in the south-western districts. The study identified a list of goods and/or services which hold potential for engaging workforce from extreme poor households. Along with available secondary information, several groups of stakeholders...
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Bangladesh Growth Research Programme (IGC-BCP)
Team leader: Sultan Hafeez Rahman Sponsored by: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Impact of Price Increase on Poor Households and Children Wellbeing
Team leader: Mohammed Helal Uddin Sponsored by: Save the Children UK, Dhaka The study intends to address the situation of unstable food prices including the time of 2007-2008 financial crisis which has affected the people of Bangladesh specifically worsens the condition of the poor.