Food Prices, Middlemen and Marketing Institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh Survey of Value Chain of Edible Oil markets in Bangladesh
Team leader: Mohammed Helal Uddin Sponsored by: The World Bank Group
Strengthening analysis and presentation of social security-related data in 2016 Household Income and Expenditure Survey of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Lead Researcher: Dr. Sajjad Zohir Sponsored by: The United Nations World Food Programme The study is meant to engage services of the ERG research team to: a) Strengthening the agency’s role as the primary source of information on social security by supporting BBS expand the routine social security-related analysis presented in its HIES report. b) Contribute towards capacity-building within BBS for undertaking SSP analyses. c) Develop a supplementary technical report for the SS...
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Innovative MSE Financing Products and Delivery Channels in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges
Research Team: Dr. Sajjad Zohir, Dr. Shafiun N Shimul, Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo, Tariq Ali, K M Masnun Hossain. Sponsored by: Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B) Project. The overall objective of this study is to understand the regulatory barriers in product innovation and of innovative products; and the following reformulation of the study objectives is proposed: a) To identify the regulatory barriers faced by the financial service providers...
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Review of SME Credit-related Policies of Bangladesh Bank – Areas of further improvement with a focus on Micro and Small Enterprise (mSE) Finance
Research Team: Sajjad Zohir, K. A. M. Majedur Rahman, Md. Iqbal Hossain, Anika Anjum Sponsored By: Nathan Associates (London) Limited The overall objective of the study was to understand the stakeholder perspectives and experience of using the mE and SME policy of BB. The main objectives were: Recommending suitable unified definition of mSMEs that will contribute to the current draft SME Strategy document of the Ministry of Industry; Appraising the feasibility of...
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The Decomposition of Rural Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: The Recent Trend
Lead Researcher: Mohammed Helal Uddin Sponsored by: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) The main objective of the study is to investigate the sources of rural poverty reduction over the years between 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2012. To investigate the sources of growth of income, ranking them in the order of importance to the growth of income of each quintile.
A Political Economy Study of the WASH Sector in Bangladesh
Research Team: Sajjad Zohir, Umama Rahman Sponsored by: WaterAid Bangladesh This section of the study on WASH reviews selected parts of the burgeoning literature with a view to contextualize the focus of the ERG study and the approach it adopts. Two key questions are at the center of the review, (i) what does political economy deal with? And, (ii) what are the various approaches in political economic analysis? The concluding segment in...
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Exclusion and Initiatives to ‘Include’: Revisiting Basic Economics to Guide Development Practice
Exclusion and Initiatives to ‘Include’: Revisiting Basic Economics to Guide Development Practice Chapter 3 Sajjad Zohir Literature on the ‘economics of exclusion’ typically addresses competition and the anti-trust laws of developed economies, not the ‘exclusion’ that development practitioners are concerned about. When economists do engage in the discourse on exclusion in development, they typically deal with poverty and deprivation without always applying the basic analytical tools available in economics (Sen...
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Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management (PREM)
Research Team: A.K. Enamul Haque, Mr. Sakib Mahmud,Ms. Sonia Aftab, Mr. Wahid Abdallah, Mr. Luke Brander, Priya Syamsunder, Roy Brouwe Sponsored By: Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam This report intends to set out a framework for government projects which are undertaken to protect land from floodplain through construction of dykes or embankments. Construction of these have caused multiple repercussions which are mostly long term impacts making it difficult to make...
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Improving Labour Law Compliance and Building Sound Labour Practices in the Export Oriented Shrimp Sector in Bangladesh
Lead Researcher: Mohammed Helal Uddin Sponsored By: International Labour Organization (ILO) This study conducts a comprehensive action-oriented survey of the shrimp production supply chain. This includes a comprehensive enterprise mapping and analysis of labor practices in the shrimp supply chain. OSH risks are also assessed in this study.
The Agricultural Value Chain Survey
Lead Researcher: Mohammed Helal Uddin Sponsored by: The World Bank The study will collect micro data on agriculture value chains that will allow in depth analyses of constraints and bottlenecks faced by different agents at different layers of the marketing chain.