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in Research Completed

Economic Cost of Arsenic Disaster: Policy Choices for Bangladesh

Research Team:  M. Zakir Hossain Khan, A K Enamul Haque Sponsored By: South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economists (SANDEE)  The study looks in to the severity of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and measures health impact and cost associated with arsenic contamination. Results shows that individuals suffering from arsenic spent up to 0.6% of their annual income. The study also finds that cumulative effects of disease like Melanosis and Keratosis...

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27 Mar 2010
in Research Completed

Identifying Activities for Pro-Poor Employment and Income in Coastal South

Research Team: Sajjad Zohir, Sara Zabeen, Hosneara Munni, Sujan Ghosh Sponsored by: Save the Children UK, Dhaka The study reviewed existing literature on the selection criteria and development interventions for the extreme poor in the country in general and specifically in the south-western districts. The study identified a list of goods and/or services which hold potential for engaging workforce from extreme poor households. Along with available secondary information, several groups of stakeholders...

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11 Mar 2010
in Youth Forum

Proxy Inference Methods: Survey of Literature

Nahim Bin Zahur This is an exercise in studying proxy inference techniques- but that immediately begs the question- what is a proxy inference technique? The name suggests a link with the concept of a proxy variable, which can be defined as “a measurable variable that is used in place of a variable that cannot be measured.” Thus, from a broad perspective, a proxy inference technique is simply a method of...

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01 Nov 2009
in Training Workshop

Research Methodology Workshop on Investment Climate Issues

Organized by ERG under IFC-BIFC Small Grants Program, funded by IFC and BICF Period: 5 March to 9 March, 2009. Course coordinator: A.K. Enamul Haque Short Description: This workshop was a 5 days long research methodology workshop on investment climate issues funded by IFC and Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund under IFC-BIFC Small Grants Program. IN total 17 lectures were given in 5 days plus one general intro session and two...

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05 Mar 2009
in Training Workshop

Basic Economics for Effective Reporting on Development Issues

Organized in partnership with the World Bank Institute (WBI) Period: 29 – 31 May, 2008. Course Coordinator:  Sajjad Zohir, Research Director, ERG Short Description: The focus of the course was on imparting basic principles of economics in very broad terms: the market equilibrium and the economics of price control (microeconomics); the macroeconomic balances; the problem of making choices under resource constraint. The participants also identified the relevant issues within specific...

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29 May 2008
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